category: urbanism

the city as a hull


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Culture of temporary use in Amsterdam

category: cultural

decay, d-i-y, experiment, entrepreneurship


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Development of Temporary Uses in Vienna

category: urbanism

Development since the Sixties


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die Idee vom vertikalen seriellen Scheitern / the idea of vertical serial collapsing

category: urbanism

wir haben gegen das gebäude verloren / we lost against the building


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Economics of Temporary Uses in Vienna

category: economics



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From squatter to cultural entrepreneur

category: cultural

decade of transformation of Amsterdam squatting network


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Promotion and Intensification

category: urbanism

Urban intensification strategies and promotion of temporary uses in Helsinki

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Temporary Use and Low Vacancy Rates

category: economics

Is there any chance for temporary uses in an overheated estate market situation such as that in Helsinki?


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The City as a Loft

category: urbanism

Kees Christiaanse


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The Ephemeral

category: urbanism

Essay from the book: Berlin_City without form


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category: urbanism

A new nomadic concept for urbanism

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Urban Catalyst Research Report

category: urbanism

Temporary use and urban regeneration in European cities


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Viel Raum wenig Volk

category: urbanism

Kunststudenten belagerten die Ferienanlage des KdF-Bades Prora einen Sommer lang.


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We are all developers (at hart)

category: cultural

hybridisation of alternative culture, public interest and commercial force


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