Rudolf Kohoutek, Christa Kamleithner and Ina Homeier-Mendes

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Ina Homeier-Mendes
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Economics of Temporary Uses in Vienna


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A Basic Urban Contradiction; Vacancies, Cycles of Buildings and their Uses; Management of Uncertainties, new Paradigms in Urban Planning

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The legislations of property and contracts are the basic elements of the legal system and the framework for all uses of space. However, the dynamics of urban uses are a strong opposition to the static of land property, which can be called a basic urban contradiction. These dynamics have increased: while “temporary uses” have been for connected with war, occupation and deficiency a long time, they have now become part of the new paradigms of flexibility and deregulation.
In this context a new - ambivalent - phenomena has aroused: vacancy. To a certain extent vacancies are normal elements in the cycles of the real estate market. However, the changes of this sector more and more allow gaps. Big companies now play an important role there; waiting for higher rents they can easily afford long vacancies. They also produce vacancies insofar as buildings are now often intended for very short usage and are then empty. This opens up a new - also quite ambivalent - field: temporary use.
Temporary uses are within the new dispositif of management - insofar they are coherent to the system, but maybe also in a way subversive. As they interrupt “normal” uses, they allow distance and self-reflection; they open potentials for communication with regard to city uses and therefore the possibility of participative processes. Introducing the factor time and therefore uncertainty, this leads to the long awaited transformation of urban planning, and possibly to new forms of consideration of social requests in accordance with the economic sphere. However, it could be that all this in the future is seen as part of the idea of “civil society”.

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Etienne Balibar, in: Althusser, Balibar, Das Kapital lesen II, Frankfurt: Rowohlt 1972;
Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch, Vierter Teil: Das Sachenrecht. Erste Abteilung: Das Eigentum, Art. 641;
Jürgen Steinert, Wohntagung Wien, Standard, 25. Juni 2002;
Theodor Österreicher, Wohntagung Wien, Standard, 25. Juni 2002, p. A2;
Peter Lorenz, Vogewosi, Wohntagung Wien, Standard, 25. Juni 2002, p. A5;
An Architektur Nr. 2, Juli 2002;
Susanne Hauser, Metamorphosen des Abfalls. Konzepte für alte Industrieareale, Frankfurt / New York: Campus 2002;
see as well „Shopping (Harvard Project on the City),in: Mutations, ed. by ACTAR and arc en rêve centre d’architecture, Barcelona/Bordeaux 2000;
Claude Lévi-Strauss, The Savage Mind. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicaco Press. 1966;
Dirk Baecker, Postheroisches Management. Ein Vademecum, Berlin: Merve 1994;
Claude Lévi-Strauss, Das Wilde Denken, Frankfurt/M: Suhrkamp 1968;
Walter Seitter, Zur Ökologie der Destruktion, in: Aisthesis. Wahrnehmung heute oder Perspektiven einer anderen Ästhetik, ed. by Karlheinz Barck et al., Leipzig: Reclam 1990;
Dirk Baecker, Organisation und Management, Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp 2003;
Dirk Baecker, Wozu Systeme? Berlin: Kadmos 2002;
Marcel Mauss, Die Gabe. Form und Funktion des Austauschs in archaischen Gesellschaften, in: Mauss, Soziologie und Anthropologie 2. Frankfurt/M. 1989.

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